Wednesday, December 17

Abilities, a list of 3:

  1. am able to cook passable meals that people actually appear to enjoy eating;
  2. can string words together sufficiently well enough to earn a living at it; and
  3. can paint toenails neatly enough that folk think I've paid a professional to do it for me.

That is all. What are yours?


cookiecrumb said...

Oh, pooh. Too easy.
1) Can get husband to do all the grocery shopping.
2) Can get husband to cook all the passable meals and still let me blog about them as if they were my work.
3) Can get husband to do all the housework, including laundry. And vacuuming.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Those aren't abilities Cookie, those are SKILLZ!

e said...

Mmmh. I got nothin'. I'll have to think about it and get back to you.

Pink Granite said...

Why am I having such trouble with this one?
I even looked up the definition for "ability".
Too much like tooting my own horn?
Well, screw it! Here goes:

1. I can make people laugh. Not slapstick and pratfalls, but I can interject humor into nearly any situation and do it kindly and appropriately.
2. I can write. Prose or poetry; a thank you note or a sympathy card; the words come easily to me.
3. I have a good eye for things graphic. And it translates across mediums which has allowed me to broaden my horizons.

Thanks for asking!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, useful, each and every one. Ever made a living from them?

Pink Granite said...

A living? No.
But in my former life, working in a state agency, writing was an important part of my job responsibilities. I also did a great deal of cutting, pasting and photocopying to come up with creative in-house documents as well as flyers and invitations to meetings and events. (Oh what I could have done with Photoshop - - - had it existed!) And I'm certain that my sense of humor allowed me to move up in the bureaucratic ranks.

The only area I've been specifically paid for (not as part of a larger job) has been the artistic/graphic/creative end of things. But never in sufficiently large amounts to make a living - just a sense of pride and satisfaction.
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee - pride and satisfaction - worthy indeed.