Thursday, November 6

Sometimes ...

... celery isn't always the vegetarian option - particularly home-grown celery.


cookiecrumb said...

I confess my homegrown celery was too STRONG.
But I don't know what a posset is.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

The celery certainly tasted of celery, much more so than the stuff from the shops - but I picked it quite early so it wasn't too bad.
A posset was/is a drink made of curdled milk, so it's often used to describe the sort of little curdled-milky voms bebes produce. So I use it to describe the little, completely dairy-free, wee voms the furry girls leave about the house for me to find. Using a nice or cute word for a horrid thing helps me deal, somehow!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Of couse the post referred to the 1/2 a slug I found on the chopping board after I cut off the roots! *shudders*

Pink Granite said...

In a word: Blech!!!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee - pretty much the noise I made when I discovered it!