Monday, June 30

Do you fancy a good old fashioned …

… cathartic, self-indulgent weep? Well, go read this.
But if you'd rather laugh until tears of mirth run down you cheeks, laugh until you are in fear of falling from your chair, watch this.


Anonymous said...

I"m going to read the weeping link later - but I wanted to say how proud I am that you have posted a clip from one of my favourite movies EVER in the history of the world. In my youth, my friends used to tell me I was just like Withnail, which was very disturbing b/c his character is utterly narcisstically barstard-like. Thankfully, I grew up (whereas, being trapped in a film, he did not). Also, I never drank meths (whereas he did).
I'm still laughing from this clip.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

CAW, I think W&I is my favourite movie of all time too, but then I rather like MP's Meaning of Life too. I laugh like a drain in W&I, every time, still, after all these many, many years.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

CAW - one trusts you never drank lighter fluid either!