Thursday, March 20

I could never see the point of running ...

... unless something nasty was actually chasing me.


Urban Koda said...

The problem is that like many bad things, once you start, it turns out to be addictive and you can't function well without the daily fix. I had a few days off this week, and I am not currently a very pleasant person to be around...

e said...

LOL - that's exactly what Willsie always says to me.

And Koda, I so get you. I had to stop running because of my hip a few months ago, and it was such a loss to me that I got sick about once a month (and then at the end even more) until my surgery. I look forward to running again in June.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

So running is like smoking - addictive & bad for you.
I remember when Mr Brown used to run, he'd strap up his knees beforehand - because it was damaging him. I suggested he just STOP RUNNING - which he did, eventually. Lunatic.

Anonymous said...

I quite agree Ms Mouse. Why run when you can walk? In fact, why walk when you can drive?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

CAW I like the walking, up to a point, then, as you point out, some form of wheeled transport is required. Rather not drive though, the traffic, the parking, the horror!