Tuesday, January 29

Tight-arse Tuesday ...

... labeled such because it's cheap night at the cinema.
So, we finally caught the I am Legend movie tonight - probably not the best choice given my emotional state at the moment.
I was terrified twice, 1 - when the dog went into the dark & he had to go in after her, 2 - when she got bitten by the nasty mutant dogs. I wept copiously at that second bit too.
Emotionally wrung out by that stage I pretty much just sat through the last bit, wondering where all the puss cats were & who was looking after them. I mean lions survived so why not elegant tabby orientals?
Like I said, probably not the best choice in entertaining viewing.
Oh, and some insane parent brought her 3 kids in, a babe in arms, one about 6-7 and the other 4, possibly 5. It's an M movie, for 15 or up, what the fuck was she thinking??? A movie like that would have scarred me for life at that age. Bambi had me howling and messed up for weeks and The Wizard of Oz, well, let's just say I wouldn't walk up the hall to bed at night without a very large glass of water for ages, just in case. Hell, my parents wouldn't even let me watch the second half of the Sound of Music until I was over 15 (only I did, sneakily without them knowing, and of course, nightmareorama. And I I couldn't say anything because then they'd find out).


Anonymous said...

oh yes. when the dog ran into the dark i held my breathe for almost the entire scene. then my chest began to hurt and i realised i had to let my breathe out. but man. that was a horrible scene. so tense.

Anonymous said...

It's beastly of them to use a puppy to manipulate one emotionally, poor Mr Brown's arm has little fingerprint bruises from my terror squeezing from that scene.

Pink Granite said...

Thank you for the warning!
I still get teased within my family because I found the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" to be too violent!!!
So I think I'll take a pass on "I Am Legend"!
- Lee

LBA said...

Not to mention, i'm pretty sure you CAN'T take a child into an "M" movie ?!?!? I'm pretty sure staff aren't allowed to allow you admission ??!

AND, there's special 'crybaby' sessions for people with little kids of most movies. So they don't annoy regular people with their brats.

LBA said...

oh, and I watch all sorts of gore and horror. I reckon this movie sounds good .. I like holding my breath in ( controlled, artificial ) fear.

Not that I want an axe-murderer landing on my doorstep in Real Life though, you understand...

e said...

Well, I think I Am Legend is a zombie movie masquerading as a sophisticated futuristic, Look What We're Doing To Ourselves movie. But it's a zombie movie, in the end.

And I too freaked out at the dog scenes. Could. Not. Handle.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

H&B - I too thought you couldn't sell tickets for little kids to that sort of movie but was too drained to argue with the ticket guy after we came out. Perhaps next time. At least the kids were quiet, terrified beyond noise I suspect.
E - Zombie VAMPIRE movie ;)