Saturday, December 15

Just wept up myself a headache ...

... by finishing reading John Grogan's Marley & Me. I should know better, these doggy biographies always end ... SPOILER ALERT ... with the dog dying. Now, go look at the photos and you too can wish you had a puppy living at your house.


Pink Granite said...

I'm either an idiot or a masochist. I went to the scrapbook link even after your spoiler alert and was teary by the end. I'd never make it through the book...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

What is it about dogs?

Pink Granite said...

I love all the cats that have been part of my life. But cats do not demonstrate their love in the unbridled, intense way dogs can.
They walk directly into our hearts and never leave.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

You've yet to meet Pingu the WonderCat, also known as cat-dog. She's almost doglike in her need for human company, game playing and affection. No licking though, which is a good thing.
I think much of the charm of dogs is that they can go places with you, long walks when sad, that sort of thing. Also, they keep secrets!

e said...

There is NO WAY I will go to the link, look at the pics, or read the book, I'll cry hysterically the entire time. I cry at the Got Milk? commercial with the yellow lab licking the peanut butter.

Anonymous said...

Ah. Yes. B has this book. It's been sitting in the bookcase for a year. Neither of us can bring ourselves to read it.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Glad to see we are all sooks then, not just me. E, I too cry along to certain ads, usually tissue ads!