Sunday, September 30

New Shoes ...

... I bought myself a pair of Birkenstocks on Thursday - I thought they would be a good summertime walking-to-work shoe instead of sneakers (which tend to make my feet over hot when the weather warms up). Some nice simple plain black leather jobbies. It was quite a shock, seeing my nekid feet again, they are just so BARE looking after a winter spent in shoes. A quick home pedicure took place that very night.
Now, the lady in the shop said it took a while to adjust to your new Birkis because they may introduce new movements to the muscles in your feet and legs. That's one hell of an understatement, my poor leggies are feeling muscles I didn't even know I had - I hope this is good for them.


e said...

Well, those are quite stylish! Now they're making pretty shoes? That's a whole new spin on this. Very interesting.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Stylish? Really? I picked them for the plain simpleness of them. Birkos come in all sorts of wild colours and patterns now, some with sparkles even - if these work out I may well end up with a party pair, paisley perhaps or pumpkin-orange suede.

Pink Granite said...

We started wearing Birkenstocks nearly two decades ago and now it's darn near our only footwear. I love them. But I was advised to start out with the two strap Arizona style, until my muscles adjusted. I never had any problems though. Now my favorite year round style is called Boston. They last forever because they can be repaired.
- Lee

e said...

Mmh. I may have to try them.