Saturday, September 8

Microwave popcorn will kill you ...

What is amazing me, however, is all the discussion and searching for alternative ways to pop corn! Use a pot on the stove people! And don't come over "oh, but it's dangerous, you could burn yourself with hot pots/oil" - use a little common sense and be careful with hot things! Or lock yourself in a small dark room and don't come out, you may trip over or a germ may look at you sideways!


Zoomie said...

I blame a lot of our excessive concerns with everyday things on the fear mongering media. They need to fill time so they make up stuff to be worried about.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

As a former member of the meeja I concur – I remember 2 scare stories of my own – would the price of chips (fries) go up because of a potato shortage?? (front page bebe) And, the milk price rise – will we have to pay more for milkshakes? Hehehe.