Saturday, September 8

I bought myself a T-shirt ...

... at the Art Gallery of NSW the other week. Bright red, it says "All I'll say is that a lot of art teachers have a lot to answer for" - Steve Peters, Packing Room. It appealed.
This is one I haven't bought, even though it appeals - A LOT (though only for certain social occasions!)


e said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I can already think of a couple of places where I could wear the second one.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

OOOh so can I - several cafes come to mind as I type!

Urban Koda said...

As the proud parent of 4 such little monsters, please let me offer my humblest apologies...

I'll be sure and give them an extra beating tonight...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK - rest assured - it's only some kids I don't like, though do go ahead with the beating, keeps 'em on their toes :)