Monday, August 13

I spent Sunday in the garden ...

... watching Mr Brown work hard (I'm sick, again, enfeebled and relying on the marvels of modern medicine just to move about). Anyhoo, he did a most excellent job putting the veggie bed to rights. All that poo is dug in and percolating away under a lovely thick mulch of sugar cane waste. It all smells a bit farm-like but in a good way.
I found a home-grown winter rose hiding and these beautiful fungus things on the maple. I also tried to get a better shot of the orchid bloom but it's in an awkward spot and I need a better camera. Mr Brown's reward for all that hard work? A heaping great bowl of Cauliflower, Bacon & Parmesan soup and a cat swarm. Lookie at Ping's ears, all cross because Small got the top spot.


Roo said...

I like the idea of sugar cane waste..hmmm

Urban Koda said...

You've inspired 2 thoughts in me...

1. I really need to get into my garden more.

2. I think I want to move down to Oz.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo - sugar cane waste does NOT taste as good as it sounds - trust me.
UK - getting out in the garden more can only be a good thing - don't forget to wear a sun hat though. OZ is ok, I'm hanging around for a while longer anyway :)

LBA said...

heh - I was going to mention those cats.
I noticed the 'pissed off ears" straight away.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

H&B - Pingu's cranky hat is what we call it.