Sunday, June 3

Last night ...

... went rather well (a little too well if this slight hangover-y feeling means what I think it does). The poor Hedonists ended up coming a little earlier than planned, to use the shower (turns out new house doesn't have hot water yet, bummer). They also bought the Hedonist dog, who stayed outside providing Pingu with lots of tail-fluffing opportunities. She just couldn't believe it, kept going back and peering out the window to check she wasn't seeing things, most giggle worthy.
Now I need to rehydrate and rest before embarking on the weekly food forage.


Roo said...

OOhhh - I had a tad of a red wine hangover on Sunday morning too.. Bacon sarnies and coffee sorted it out though!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Bummer of it is Roo, is the markets at the end of our street, where they sell the best egg & bacon rolls in the whole world, isn't open on Sunday, only Saturday - and we were in no shape to cook them for ourselves - hot buttered walnut toast was the best we could manage.