Thursday, May 10

Pizza night ...

... Wednesday night is traditionally the Brown-Mouse pizza night but Mr Brown was away so we had it tonight instead. Mushroom, panchetta and fresh mozzarella.
I usually smear the base with pesto (long story, short, I wouldn't eat tomato until I was in my mid-20's so we experimented with toppings) but this sometimes leads to an excessive moisture problem when cooking with fresh 'shrooms.Tonight I didn't bother at all, just tipped on the 'shrooms and topped it off with the panchetta and cheese. It was perfect, all the 'shroom juice soadked into the dough (rather than float on top of the pesto), keeping it moist but not floppy. Yum, we'll be eating this again - fer sure.


caw said...

Cor!!! I'm coming to your place for dinner next week! This looks a total treat - yummilicous!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

You would be most welcome, I'd even bung on an extra pizza, how does smoked chicken sound to you?