Sunday, May 6

Just got back from the vet ...

... vaccinations all done ($125 thank you very much). Clean bills of health all round, thank goodness. Both the furry girls are pointedly ignoring us both, punishment for the fright & indignity I guess.


Chester The Bear said...

Yes. They do that. Right up until the time supper appears.

Then it's "vet? what vet? oh, THAT. Forgotten all about it. Now you did say something about dinner, didn't you?"

e said...

You don't even have to wait till supper. Whenever my girls return from the vet, it's treats all around. That usually restores the order of things.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

They did speak to me, eventually, when I sat down with a book - there was the nice warm lap they like so much, purrs and squabbles for space all round.