Tuesday, May 29

I am seriously old ...

... I know this because it's the 30th anniversary of Star Wars (A New Hope) - the first movie. My friend (who shall be known as Spindle Shanks) and I went to see that bloody movie close to a million times (I have been known to exaggerate for effect). We saw it at the cinema when it first came out and just kept on going back. We knew dialogue off by heart and got overexcited and loud during the star battles, to the point that an usher asked us to keep it down!
Sigh, I loved that movie, and now it repays me by making me feel old (on the eve of a significant birthday and all!).

pic thanks to ...


cookiecrumb said...

I am older!
(Harrison Ford is a lot older now, too.)
Happy Significant BD.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Nice to know at least someone pre-dates me Cookiecrumb - and you are so right about Mr Ford (wasn't he cute as buttons back then?)
Eve may have been a slight exageration, the BD is next week.

e said...

I was around then, but my parents wouldn't let me go see it just yet, though I was 10. Pffft. But I've seen it a bunch of times too, and now own it on dvd.

I recently discovered that the '80's are back in, and students at Brown have 80's parties. I was called a goddess b/c I was around when the stuff first came out.

So I would say NOT old, but a goddess. Happy significant Bday, goddess!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

ooh I like that, goddess DMM - ta.