Saturday, January 6

And to add to my list of injuries ...

... I think I may have burst something vital inside, I heard a distinct pop when lifting (well, "helping" Mr Brown lift) an extremely heavy blue thing - something so large I can fit inside! More tomorrow, when the camera battery has charged up.


caw said...

Oopsicle. Did you get it checked out? I heard summink go POP in my chest once, while wrangling a hard wood coffee table (made out of fence posts - v noice) and it turned out that the cartilage had torn away from one of my ribs.
Um. It dint hurt much at the time but I'm still paying for it 7 years later. It has become my 'stress point'. When I get really stressed internally, it aches like all bloody hell.
Perhaps your bod tweaked a muscle or yanked a tendon or summink???

Anonymous said...

Well, I seem to have gotten better so I'm guessing it wasn't anything important. I too have a stress point - my tum is a great emotional barometer.