Saturday, December 2

This morning it rained ...

... so we girls stayed in bed (I'm the useful lump they lean upon).Ping snoozes ...and then does her fast-asleep-face-plant.Small moves to the middle of the bed when I get up for the paper.She snores you know.Mr Brown, the lunatic, went sailing.


caw said...

It rained? RAIN? But it's summer is it not???
I luuuuv these pix of the girlies, god they are so cute.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Yep rained - not heaps but enough to keep the dirt outside happy.
And my furry girls - cutest in the inner west that's fur sure!

caw said...

In my next life, I'm coming back as one of your kitkats b/c they look so happy and content! Imagine sleeping for 20 hours a day, waking up only to play a little and have some yummy snacks?
I could so do that. LOL

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I too want to come back as one of my furries - I worry that I'll come back as a cat but a feral or stray with no one to feed me bits of roast chicken.