Thursday, April 13

Sick ...

My left side is sick.

My left eye is all bloodshot and revolting looking. My left ear is itchy and sore. The left side of my throat is scratchy and sore. My left nostril is dripping like a faulty tap. I feel ghastly and strongly suspect I don't look all that crash hot either. As a workmate said (yes, loser that I am I went to work - I will infect them all and bring down the guvamint - mrooghahahahahahahahaa), thank goodness for the easter holidays, you'll have heaps of time to recover at home! Pfft.

On the upside, this cartoon made me larfoutloud.

And given it is eastertime I had to go shopping (sick as I am) because Mr Brown's little face goes all sad if there aren't any chocolate eggies or bunnies to scoff on Sunday. I got price gouged because I wanted all 3 Lindt bunnies and Woolies only had the Milk & White, not the Dark. So I bought the Dark bunny at a Chemist at a vastly inflated price - bastards.
UPDATE - I've taken some drugs (just one actually, Mr Brown is stingy with the good stuff) drunk a load of water, got a box of those nice soft tissues that aren't supposed to hurt your nose, and some lollies for my sore throat (migrated & colonised the other side too). Off to bed with a couple of cats to keep me warm. I may be some time .....


caw said...

aw ducks, the lurgy is so no fun. i think it's payback for reading the landover baptist site. be that as it may, lots of rest & hugs from mr brown, small and ping are in order - plus some kickarse drugs of course and lemsip with real lemon.

hope you are feeling tops soon and you get to savour some easter flavour.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

tar all - am feeling a little less crapulant this morn - am sipping a nice cup of tea (green tea, it's practically medicine) and Mr Brown is toasting easter buns upon which he will layer on great lashings of butter! Then I may have another little sleep.