Tuesday, February 28

We are all going to die ...

It's just a matter of when. For me it will be at either 73 or 79 apparently, depending on if you ask Deathclock or Blogthings. Deathclock gives me more time but Blogthings asks more questions and should, I imagine, be more accurate.
Bugger, and there are so many more things I wanted to do .....

Image thanks to ...


caw said...

oooooooooooo, deffclock is fab. It says I am going to shuffle off this mortal coil in 2044...that is when I am 80 years old.

80! I never expected to see past my 40th birthday, so 80 really is quite terrific.

Did it predict you are going to go before or after Mr Brown?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Apparently Mr Brown & I will die the same year but I can't remember who goes first. He has promised that I get to die first because he knows I'd end up sitting in a house with no lights (ceilings are too high) Also, he suspects I wouldn't throw him a funeral or would say no if the State offered to throw one for him. I don't believe in funerals.

caw said...

Ah, yes. I remember our convo re: funerals. What, though, if you go first and Mr Brown throws a funeral for you?

Who will you ever know?

Could you issue him with strict instructions that if IF he wishes to throw a funeral, no one is to wear black, no prayers are to be uttered, no priest type people, etc?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I've issued instructions, no black, no god bothering, no "she was a wonderful person and her smile lit up the room" bollocky crapulance, if certain people turn up they are to be turned away at the door - He's agreed to all that but he does insist on actually throwing one - bastard, do my wishes mean nothing to him????